Welcome to the Website of the Alster Dancers!
Our Square Dance Club is located in the north of Hamburg, in a village called Wakendorf II, close to the Autobahn A7.
We are dancing every Wednesday, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m or 7.00 to 9.00. ( Please See evening's Dance dates)
Program: Mainstream
Location: Local Sport area, TuS Wakendorf-Goetzberg, Sandbergstrasse 24,
24588 Wakendorf II.
No dancing during summer and Christmas holidays.
Our club-caller is Ralf Reinhard. Occasionally we have guest callers visiting us.
See also: dance dates
President: Reinhard von Massenbach rvmassenbach@t-online.de and mobile phone: (+49) 15774242299